Like out of a porno: Polish woman wants to sleep with 100k men

Ania Lisewska, a 21-year-old Polish woman on a quest to sleep with 100k men, has created an online and offline campaign supporting this goal. Though her current partner may disapprove, he hasn’t dumped her yet! This goal seems ridiculously ambitious given that she only wants to sleep with men on weekends, taking over three years without taking breaks for food or rest. She might as well film a porno while she’s at it, many people are invested into her story and the reasons behind her desire for men.

Some are willing to do anything to get into the Guinness Book of World Records; one Polish woman in particular has taken an unconventional route by seeking entry: she plans to sleep with 100,000 men! She insists she will complete her mission despite being banned from traveling to Iraq and Lebanon.

Lisewska has created a Facebook community page and website to attract potential partners. She claims she has already slept with 284 men but has yet to reach her goal of 100 partners. Furthermore, sexual activities will only occur on weekends, which means it could take her up to 20 years before getting it.

However, her claims have raised suspicion, and several reports indicate she could be an elaborate hoax. Furthermore, the website bearing her name doesn’t work, and she hasn’t responded to media requests.

Her plan of having 20-minute sex encounters with 100,000 men over 33,333 hours or 3.8 years would take an extraordinary effort

Many have responded negatively to her plans, labeling her as a prostitute or making other disparaging remarks about her intentions. Others question if she is serious in her efforts, given Poland is traditionally taboo around sex issues.

Though she has encountered objections, she continues to promote her idea on social media, with over 34,000 likes on Facebook and a blog to draw potential partners in. Recently, her account was compromised, and it appeared she had HIV. To clear things up, she went for a blood test to demonstrate she was healthy and posted the results on her site to assure potential partners she was HIV-negative.

The story has caught the international media’s interest, including BBC contacting her for more details regarding her claims. Hopefully, an interview will occur shortly.

Ania Lisewska’s goals as a traveler differ significantly from most world travelers: her aim is not to visit cities or historical landmarks but rather to have sexual relations with 100,000 men from around the globe. She has set up a website and a Facebook page to document her progress.

Her bizarre quest has caused outrage for several reasons. It would take over 3.8 years if she began working round-the-clock without stopping for sleep or food breaks.

Media reports have speculated that she may be trying to break into the Guinness World Records with her erotic endeavor. She has received much criticism for her odd quest, with many accusing her of being a fake prostitute and accusing her of having ulterior motives for continuing it. Yet she persists and continues with her mission.

She’s 21 years old, beautiful and brunette, on a mission that would shame even a man on the moon

However, some believe her goal to be unreachable since she only intends to engage in romantic encounters during weekends at age 21. With 20 minutes per man spent, this would take 20 years nonstop before reaching her target.

People have made assumptions that she is prostituting herself, with many accusing her of this activity and worrying that she could contract HIV or something else. But she maintains her intentions are genuine, posting lab test results on Facebook to refute claims that she could be HIV+.

Some media accounts about her have suggested she is trying to gain entry to the Guinness Book of World Records. However, this prestigious publisher does not evaluate records related to sexual activity. Furthermore, she has been reluctant to discuss her plans with reporters – possibly fearing this could jeopardize them.

Ania Lisewska, 21, has taken offense at being mischaracterized as a polskie porno actress since making headlines for her desire to have sexual encounters with 100,000 men worldwide and traveling the globe to achieve that goal – including even visiting Lebanon, though access was denied! – Lisewska keeps fans updated via her Facebook page and website with regular updates of her exploits.

But her ambitions have left some doubting if she can reach her goal. Lisewska has come under scrutiny for being insensitive to the responses of men she encounters on her travels, with comparisons drawn to prostitutes or even Nazi sympathizers.

Due to her claims, many Egyptians are dubious of them, and some have begun campaigns against her goal. Additionally, people have voiced concern that she plans to exploit men for financial gain and profiteer from them.